Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Go Getters

I learnt from my primary school headmaster that the first thing a man should do after establishing his financial stability is get a clandestine. It doesn’t matter whether he is married or not; a man who does not have
mpango wa kando is not a man enough. It is sort of an entrance ritual, a command for recognition of one’s financial power, the first commandment in the in the bible of conspicuous consumption, prove to your peers that you have the surplus. This is a lesson I tend to hold priceless. It is my definition of manhood and it is one that it seems most men (am not sure about those from Nyeri) have mastered.

The evidence of the same can be seen on Fridays in our campuses. You see these men with their tinted Mercedes Benz around campuses and you might think of them as good fathers who make a point of visiting their children. Only that these heavy vehicles are seen within the vicinity of girls’ hostels and not till a little after dark. They are our parents our pastors, our good neighbors and all time family friends. They are people we have come to respect in the society because they have mastered the art of deception and hypocrisy, always hiding within the torn fabric of morality.

He won’t be disappointed if you refuse his advances and you happen to be over thirty. Thirty to him is old, forty a disaster and a seventy, his age mate is as good as dead. It is easy to talk of the insidious male ineptitude but I think the reason why our current crop of males are taken to be inept is because we are very outsourcing to a point we overwhelm ourselves with the myriad of responsibility due to our greed and not so responsible behaviors. We want anything that crosses our path without considering on the implication it will have on our already filled mouths. 

They have no qualms chasing after girls the age of their granddaughters. And why should they? Their peers have Okayed it; in-fact, they demand it from them. The coy young campus girl is his taste. She knows the game and is well too obsequious and kind enough to allow him unlimited access to every single orifice in her temple; precisely what he wants. She is his price to being accepted by his peers as well as advances his perverted voyeuristic manners. 

It is a mutual existence and even when you want to paint blame, there is no finite distinction as who is to blame. To her the grandpa (or it sweetheart) is a God send ATM, a cash minting machine one she has an obligation to put in good use. For money she is willing to disconnect her moral compass, to bend the restrictions of morality. Fuck society... after all, the end justifies the means. The current competitive global world is not for the weaklings who cling to morality; it is for the go getters, the aggressive lot who are strong enough to chart their way and navigate whatever current on their path of success. 

They have given a meaning to the phrase go getters and thanks to them I can now understand it without much struggle. It can be understood that go getters also get the dicks and on the same note we should have the go givers- the lot who ensure the supply dicks demanded is met. It is as simple as that.  What fascinates ladies about wrinkled dicks is something I am yet to know. May be there is something special about the flabby experienced dicks and it won’t hurt if someone give me an insight on the same.

On the contrast, the latest happening in Nyeri have painted a picture of a man on the losing end though that is not a surprise at all. We lost it when we lost the shame to a point we van narrate the tales of our women battering us in our homes. What kind of man admits to being beaten by his wife?  How did we change from men who know what they want to bunch of sissies who run to the media every time their women glare their teeth? I don’t mean that a woman cannot scald me with hot water; anyone can be caught off guard, but how do you narrate the incidence to the media and still call yourself a man?

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