There is a void that has just been filled in my life, not that it has made any difference but I finally meet her: the most obnoxious girl, at least in North Rift. Taking such an award is a celebrated achievement and as such I feel obliged to profile her. To think I have known for a couple of years is enough to give me shivers and to even imagine the couple of times I have heard her bitching about who she hates and who talks ill of her or a guy she has recently fallen out of touch with confirms that as a friend I failed for not telling her to tame her inanity. That said, I think it’s not that late to seek for cure, if need be an emergency brain transplant. She is a quintessence that nature is not always perfect in screening bad genes since there is no doubt her passing that test was a mistake of nature.
If you ever visit Nakuru and happens to be anywhere near Mwariki estate, perhaps you should consider looking around for this mighty queen of pettiness, her majesty the daughter of King. Fame is surely indirect proportion to body size since her stature is miniature and thus it is not a surprise her brain is equally meagre. May be it is by keeping in sync with her body size that has limited her brain development, may be it is the association or childhood background. For now that is hard to tell but what is evident is for age, her reasoning or lack of it is telling.
In spite of her age and all other physical follies, it would be unfair if I fail to note her face is fair. I won’t talk about her other assets but on average I would rate her assets as ok. There is a lot of things you can learn about a person and it surprises you to think you once thought you knew that person. Behind their mask of hypocrisy, deep where the compendium of their ignorance lies, lies another version of the same person which is rotten and murky after ages of suppression. This is the face you see when the said person decide to come out and if only people knew, a second of the re-emergence of the dark side is enough to destroy everything you have built for ages.
Trust a man to do anything for sex. Trust him to be blind and ignore minor flaws as long as there is a prospect for a laid. Trust him to patient and act concerned when around you as long as the pussy carrot is dangling in the air. Trust me to do all this unquestioningly; precisely what I have been doing for the past few months and vainly so. It is easy to mistake the intention of a guy but getting bored comes naturally with time, whether we score or not.
How did all this come to an end? I blame it on Nikita, the TV series. True Nikita ruined it for me, just at a time when my score sheet was showing some progress. It happens that somehow the series ended in my laptop and Her majesty would come watch it from time. We would hang out, eating chipo mwitu as she busied herself with the series. On this particular day, she was nearing the end of the season one but there was no time and she borrowed my laptop for the night to go and finish the episode.
Anyone who knows me well would tell you that night time is usually time for me and Nyambura (my laptop). We are nearing our first anniversary now which is probably the longest relationship I ever had, and we are still going stronger. There was no way I was going to give out Nyambura for the night so that anyone can go watch a movie which was not going anywhere! Absolutely no chance. You see, Nyambura not only come in handy when watching movies, night time is time when I vent on her while she dutifully listens as I pour my heart out. This was a decline that was not taken lightly.
”I see you value your machine more than me. I will never ask u for anything.”
The inveterate moron went ahead to shoot torpedoes of expletives accusing me of being selfish. By disregarding that I have far much better use for my laptop than watch a coincident flooded series, the self-righteous twat could not discern that calling me selfish was more of an oxymoron. The pettiness of the issue and the amount of hot air it blew served to confirm that indeed there are people whose IQ is far much lower than their age. Doesn’t it shame you when you start name calling simply because someone took a stand on his/her property? Call it whatever you want but my computer is not for watching movies! You say am selfish? Cool with me but that, sweet heart will leave me unmoved. The way you behaved after this incident confirms that was right not to give the comp you since you are indeed not mature enough to handle it.
It is said that rudeness is the weak man’s sense of defense so seeing anyone burning up to bandy nasty words is a sure confirmation of defeat. You can win in an abuse contests but that won’t take you far. The real win comes in knowing how to live with other peoples and knowing how to handle your mistakes and mistakes of others. You still take of offence since I have called you stupid? I don’t blame you; you are too dumb to know anyway.
For anyone who have bought or attempted to buy second hand clothing, my judgement being that most of us have, as a rule if the seller shoots a price which Is triple what you are willing to offer, trying to bargain is usually pointless. This also happens in our daily life, in every discussion or argument, the stand an individual takes is a clear indicator of the persons reasoning. The basic measure to take in every conflict is to try understanding why the said person is taking the stand he/ she has taken and try to see things from his perspectives. The problem is people are not willing to go that route. The result is that we have a lot of fixed minded individuals, showing their prowess and perfections by blindly dismissing the stand of others.
There is no way we can live without conflicts, what we need to do is to tame our snobbishness and acknowledge that we can also wrong others. If you are always the one who is wronged and other peoples reasoning is always stupid while yours always right, then you are the problem.
(Images via www.123rf.com)
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